The paintings of Frank E Hollywood are always more than meets the eye. His art has deeper layers and through those layers it only becomes meaningful. It is the translation of a thought into images. The different series of Frank are divided in Neo Gilded Age, Masked and Retro Pop.   


Neo Gilded Age

History likes to repeat itself. Our age is one of self-indulgence and it has a lot of parallels with the 17th century and late 19th century. Globalisation and the technologic revolution have generated unprecedented opportunities, both good and bad. Vanity is no longer immoral or perverse instead it is considered a virtue to be rewarded with likes. Each artwork is a provocative and ironic take on the classical vanitas paintings. By using contemporary objects as symbols to convey his message, Frank E Hollywood tries to gap the bridge between present and past. The contemporary objects and classical settings clash but in an awkward way they seem very familiar to each other. In a way the whole serie is a cheeky look on our ‘License to Sin’.


This serie is a view on post how we perceive freedom. It hints towards the renaissance. A time where masks allowed people to do or say what they pleased without fear of retribution. During the 16th century Italian renaissance, Masquerade balls became public affairs with dancing and socialising, most often used to celebrate the Venetian Carnevale. 

Retro Pop

Frank E Hollywood grew up in the eighties, where he was surrounded by intense images of the pop culture of that particular time. These influences clearly reflect in his Retro Pop work. When you look closely at the background of his paintings you will find stamps, dollar bills, but also cartoon characters. His work is always build up out of several layers, giving the work deeper meaning.

"Every time my eye scanned the canvas, I saw something new, yet intensely familiar. Bits of cartoon clippings I enjoyed as a child, American currency, patterns, images of celebrities all coalesced to form the image of a beautiful woman."